Impressionist Masters Film Series (July 16)

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    Presented by
    CTAC Theater
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    From Monet to Cassatt, we’ll be screening a documentary about one of the Impressionist greats every Tuesday, June 18-August 13*.

    DegasThis week's film: Edgar Degas, The Unquiet Spirit

    Horses, female nudes, and the ever-recurring enchanting dancers compose the world of Edgar Degas. Himself a son of the nobility, he chose to study humans in everyday situations, and life in motion. A tightening of the shoelace, a horse in mid-gallop, a bathing woman – Degas, close to the Impressionists, provoked Paris’s art critics with these snapshots captured in off-centre framings, radical perspectives and compositions. Ann Turner delves into the atmosphere of the works and reveals, besides Degas the gifted draughtsman and painter, also an experimental graphic artist, sculptor, photographer and poet. (2008, Approx. 65 min.)






    *Excludes Tuesdays with scheduled Coffee @ Ten Lectures.



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