Stories Told: A Community Project Empowering Students to Discover Their Voices

Stories Told

Stories Told: A Community Project Empowering Students to Discover Their Voices
March 13 – May 10, 2025

Stories Told: A Community Project Empowering Students to Discover Their Voices is a uniquely collaborative literacy project involving the creative programming of Great Lakes Center for the Arts (GLCFA), Crooked Tree Arts Center (CTAC), Harbor Springs Festival of the Book (HSFOTB), and Petoskey District Library (PDL).
Designed for middle school students but inclusive of all readers, storytellers, families, and communities across our region, Stories Told highlights three fictional works (a novel, a novel in verse, and a graphic novel) that all speak to courage, self-confidence, and empathy and share the common theme, “Finding Your Voice.”
Experience one or more of the “Stories Told” books through reading… and then “find your voice” through visual art, music, performing art, writing, conversations, music, and visual storytelling, March 13 – May 10, 2025. Stories Told is multi-modal learning at community scale, and we cannot wait to share this learning adventure with you! 

We are excited for you to learn more about all the other Stories Told events (all offered at no cost). To learn more, please click here to visit our Stories Told community project webpage!

Schedule of Events:

Tuesday, January 14 - Friday, March 14 | Youth Writers' Exposition Call for Submission Open (CTAC)
March - April | School Tours (CTAC)
March - April | "Finding Your Voice" Student Playwriter Reader's Theater Submissions Open (GLCFA)
Thursday, March 13, 1:00 pm | Author Webinar with Jasmine Warga (HSFOTB)
Monday, March 17, 7:00 pm | "Music as Language" with The Dorothy Gerber Youth Orchestra (GLCFA)
Tuesday, March 18, 4:00 pm | Mini-Comics Workshop with Aaron Polk (PDL)
Thursday, March 20, 4:00 pm | Exquisite Corpse Collaborative Writing Project (PDL)
Saturday, April 5, 10:00 am - 1:00 pm  | Open Studio (CTAC)
Friday, April 11, 10:00 am | Look Both Ways: A Tale Told in Ten Blocks Matinee (GLCFA)
Friday, April 11, 12:30 pm | Look Both Ways: A Tale Told in Ten Blocks Matinee (GLCFA)
Monday, April 14 | "Finding Your Voice" Student Playwriter Reader's Theater Submissions Closes (GLCFA)
Thursday, April 17, 7:00 pm | Youth Art Show Awards Night (CTAC)
Saturday, April 19, 10:00 am - 1:00 pm | Open Studio (CTAC)
Friday, April 25, 10:00 am | Mayhem Poets Matinee (GLCFA)
Friday, April 25, 12:30 pm | Mayhem Poets Matinee (GLCFA)
Saturday, May 10, 2:00 pm | SPRighT Showcase (GLCFA, held at CTAC)

Description of Events by Organization:


Tuesday, January 14 - Friday, March 14 | Youth Writers' Exposition Call for Submission Open
Saturday, May 10, 2:00 pm | Showcase

Crooked Tree Arts Center’s Young Writers' Exposition offers two special “Stories Told" writing awards for students, ages 12-18  (one for middle school; one for high school in the Char-Em ISD and homeschool students in Charlevoix and Emmet Counties). Award recipients will be recognized at the Youth Art Show Awards Night in April. They will have the opportunity to “guest direct” their work with Little Traverse Civic Theater actors during rehearsal at Great Lakes Center for the Arts and have their work performed during the SPRighT Showcase in May. See the event page for details. 
March - April | School Tours
Crooked Tree Arts Center offers guided school tours of the 2025 Guild Members Exhibition featuring work by Artist Guild members, and the Youth Art Show featuring artwork created by students in the Char-Em ISD and homeschool students in Charlevoix and Emmet Counties. Both Gilbert and Bonfield Galleries will be filled, floor to ceiling, with artworks in all media. Tours and hands-on activities highlight narrative themes and visual storytelling in the expression of perspective or voice.
April - June  Inspired by the Wild: A Visual Storytelling Workshop led by Author and Illustrator, Lindsay Moore for schools. Lindsay is available to visit schools for this 45 - minute workshop in visual storytelling. Participating schools will receive a copy of Understanding Comics by Scott McCloud.
Saturday, April 5, 10:00 am - 1:00npm  | Open Studio
Saturday, April 19, 10:00 am - 1:00 pm | Open Studio

Crooked Tree Arts Center’s free, drop-in Open Studio program, offered every Saturday morning, is devoting two Open Studio days to the art of visual storytelling as part of Stories Told. Activities are designed to engage youth and adults of all ages. No experience necessary!
Wednesday, April 17, 7:00 pm | Youth Art Show Awards Night
Crooked Tree Arts Center is excited to host its annual Youth Art Show Awards Night (Including Visual Art, Young Writers and Ballet Awards). This year, the event includes “Stories Told” awards for one middle school and one high school student. Winning writers will have their work read at the SPRighT Showcase.

Thursday, March 13, 1:00 pm | Author Webinar with Jasmine Warga
The Harbor Springs Festival of the Book hosts a virtual event featuring award-winning Middle Grade author, Jasmine Warga. Jasmine will discuss her Newbery Honor book, Other Words for Home. Written in free verse, this is a lyrical, life-affirming story about losing and finding home, and most importantly, finding yourself.

Tuesday, March 18, 4:00 pm | Mini-Comics Workshop with Aaron Polk
The Petoskey District Library welcomes colorist and comic artist, Aaron Polk. Aaron has worked on beloved graphic novels such as Dog Man and Wings of Fire. Join us for this free and fun mini-comics workshop to learn about short story telling and how to make your own comics.
Thursday, March 20, 4:00 pm | Exquisite Corpse Collaborative Writing Project
The Petoskey District Library and Crooked Tree Arts Center collaborate on a special “Stories Told” program for youth, grades 5 to 8, featuring an interactive tour of the Youth Art Show at Crooked Tree Arts Center, followed by an “Exquisite Corpse” collaborative writing and drawing project at the Petoskey District Library.
Next Gen

Monday, March 17, 7:00 pm | "Music as Language" with The Dorothy Gerber Youth Orchestra
The Dorothy Gerber Youth Orchestra performs “Music as Language: Stories Told Through Self Expression” at the Great Lakes Center for the Arts. Narration connects the audience to the music and guides listening. The concert includes works from symphonic movements and samples of  music that span time and genres. This concert is free and open to the public.
Friday, April 25, 10:00 am | Mayhem Poets Matinee
Friday, April 25, 12:30 pm | Mayhem Poets Matinee

Next Gen is proud to present the Mayhem Poets for two, hour-long, school-day matinee performances. This event is open to school groups from districts and homeschools across Antrim, Charlevoix, Cheboygan, Emmet, and Otsego counties. Mayhem Poets tell powerful stories and creative tales that challenge our thinking and share fresh perspectives using original poetry, rap, and humor. Additionally, during the third week of April, Great Lakes Center for the Arts will take its 2025 Artists in Residence, the Mayhem Poets (three talented poet-performers from across the country), to two schools (Petoskey Middle School and Vanderbilt Area School) to work with middle and high school students. The Mayhem Poets work with students in their own spaces, helping students learn to express themselves through poetry as they explore and write about finding their own voices.
March - April | "Finding Your Voice" Student Playwriter Reader's Theater 
Submissions due April 14

SPRighT (Student Playwright Reader’s Theater) is a new and exciting Next Gen opportunity for high school students who love theater, writing, and directing. All high school students from Antrim, Charlevoix, Cheboygan, Emmet, and Otsego counties are invited to write an original, 3- 6 minute play addressing the theme ‘Finding Your Voice.’
Saturday, May 10, 2:00 pm | SPRighT Showcase
The SPRighT Showcase presents the winning work of regional, high school playwrights and the winners of the 2025 Young Writers Exposition awards from Crooked Tree Arts Center. Little Traverse Civic Theater actors, guest directed by the winning playwrights, will perform the winning works in Reader’s Theater style. Held at Crooked Tree Arts Center Theater.