About Neil W. Ahrens, Dart for Art 2024 Featured Artist

Neil W. Ahrens, a dedicated artist with a strong connection to his craft, has been chosen as the featured artist for Dart for Art 2024. His painting, Striation Horizon, will serve as the inspiration for the evening.
A graduate of Michigan State University, Ahrens went on to receive his master's degree in fine arts from the prestigious Cranbrook Academy of Art. His journey as an artist is deeply rooted in Northern Michigan, where he has resided for nearly 25 years. Drawing inspiration from the local landscapes, particularly the lakes, Ahrens passionately creates abstract paintings reflecting the peaceful essence of his surroundings.
Neil, along with his wife and former CTAC President Liz, have transformed their Harbor Springs home into a vibrant artistic hub, hosting a gallery, studio, and guest home for visiting artists in residence called Ahrens Gallery and Studio. Having chosen to make Northern Michigan home, Neil and Liz Ahrens have become foundational figures in the community, playing integral roles in bringing exceptional exhibitions to area galleries, developing a culture that appreciates art, and supporting arts education. Beyond his artistic endeavors, Neil W. Ahrens has a varied career working in schools as an educator, as an Emmet County Commissioner, and as a U.S. Navy Veteran.
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