Every Thursday, seven (or more) artists meet online for two hours to explore a problem-solving agenda put forth by artist Brenda J. Clark. Throughout the session, participants share their artwork, seek inspiration, and encourage one another in creativity under the guidance of Clark. Part of the group originally met in Clark's Suttons Bay gallery and studio. Though not exactly a class with a formal course of study, Clark welcomed artists into her space and worked alongside them while providing feedback and input as they worked on individual paintings. In the spring of 2020, COVID-19 distancing requirements forced the group to find alternative ways of meeting. Zoom and Facebook became their shared studio and gallery, with a roster of artists tuning in weekly for creative prompts, constructive feedback and critiques, camaraderie, and creative growth.
Thursday Painting: Brenda J. Clark's Group of Seven-ish shares some of the inspired and expressive paintings created by this group of artists.
The exhibition features work from the following artists:
Lynn Banks, Jennifer Coon, Becky Keagy, Christine Newhart, Marian Ring, Donna Schaerer, Jennifer Tobias, Holly Uecker-Herman, Shweta Venkat, and Brenda J. Clark.